
Showing posts from October, 2023

over the years

Jonesonten Somezivec and his family has over the years been using his magic, Sorcery, and his status as a Sorcerer Lord to help others. He and his family have the belief that magic and the rest of their skills must be used for good and to fight those who would use it for evil and malintent. A punishment for using you're magic in an illegitamate reasons is forced bonding to a person of the council's choosing. Helping people, saving things, and rescuing civilizations is what good Sorcerer Lord's do and what is the best thing to do for a planet a Sorcerer Lord and Sorceress Lady decide they want to protect. Jonesonten Somezivec is now three hundred fourteen years old and so is his wife with their kids in the ninty to early two hundreds. The Somezivec family is known as good will protectors as well as the main protectors of Earnirn and it's people.


Earnirn is a planet with castle's and a school systems. The continent's are a mix of the one's here, in game of thrones, and Nirn. The continent's have kingdoms and some continents  have mixed names from ours, the one's in game of thrones, and the one's on Nirn. Jonesonten Somezivec's got a lot of connections on that planet from his parents handing them over to him and his personal friends on Earnirn he made growing up visiting with his parents. His friend Tyricen Kynevic now king of Westirnoserica sometimes invites him to celebration's and have wives and kids. Jonesonten Somezivec's wife is Heriminny Sclott and Tyricen Kynevic's wife Queen Amricta Coiyalen, and their sons and daughters get along with each other the same way their parents and them got along. All of the continents have a similar combination form of rule.

Sorcerer Lord's from Covesyrey

Sorcerer Lord's from Covesyrey are born from the souls of dead wizards from both The Harry Potter and The elder scrolls universes in a new universe like the Doctor Who universe with planets and everything else but with the different beings from both the Harry Potter and the elder scrolls universes on those planets, with magic and sorcery taking the place of science. Sorcerer Lord society is very similar to the Time Lord's society from Doctor Who only magical oriented with two of every organ a human being has. They can physically bond together as one to surpass death but they can only bond thirteen times. But they can request more if they have reached the thirteen bond limit. They have wands that are grown that have metal, wood, stone, and crystal components which conform to the owners personality and change with each bonding.

Abear Claver

Abear Claver is an ally of Jonesonten Somezivec's frenemy Zavacen and has set up a lot of Zaracvan's alliances. Abear Claver has cast a lot of things to make a lot of different often forced alliances and some he has cast a control spell over them. Jonesonten Somezivec has been very successful in breaking out of the spell. Abear Claver is only interested in control and command to be able to take back his home planet. Zaracvan has lied to manipulate people like he did Abear Claver and made him an empty promise to give him his army to take back his home world. 

Coriben Tybus

Coriben Tybus is Jonesonten Somezivec's uncle in law and the one who trained him in magic and sorcery and got his potion making up to par. Coriben is the leader of the fight against Zaracvan and his manipulative ways. Jonesonten Somezivec has been a very good apprentice so much so that he got the attention of his parents school branch Moliractes where he was accepted in the school and when he graduated he was top of his class as a Sorcerer Lord along with his friend back then. Coriben Tybus had thought that Svanarca Cyol was becoming a little dark in voice tone after drinking something she confused with nerve tonic.

Vordan Sarvic

Vordan Sarvic is the daughter of Jonesonten Somezivec and his wife. Vordan married Kasear Sarvic and they have twins on the way. Zaracvan and Abear Claver have been going to the brakeras for reinforcement and they have a certain set of demands to be met. Vordan and Kasear Sarvic run a spy network giving updates on Zaracvan and Abear Claver's moves. Coriben Tybus has people that are agents for their causes and build coalitions that support their fight against Zaracvan. Jonesonten Somezivec's allies abroad have got a lot of victories and Vordan and Kasear Sarvic stay close to Jonesonten Somezivec and help him in his travels.

Coremedro Kilover

Coremedro Kilover is a renegade Sorcerer Lord that allines himself with chaos and mischief put out thoughtfully. He is a close friend of jonesonten Somezivec and his allies. But sometimes he's a wild card making people second guessing until he reveals his hand in the situation sometimes good and sometimes bad and sometimes just a visitor checking in on things. They have on several different things and have been doing a lot more for the universe and Earnirn. All of the year's of saving Thing's and maintaining historical events and he has a little flair for Jonesonten. Sometimes they have a phylistamic meeting to share essences. 

Jonesonten Somezivec

Jonesonten Somezivec is the son of Sypmic Somezivec and Adamsonric Somezivec after they saved the universe and mostly the planet Earnirn (a home of mixed races and different ones) on a a near daily basis from evil doers and pillages and anything else with ill intentions. Now Jonesonten Somezivec has the look of both his parents Sypmic ( Arthur and Molly Weasley) and Adamsonric (James and Lily Potter). He became a Sorcerer Lord and does what his parents use to do protecting Earnirn and keeping the peace and doing what is right. He had a friend who went to a dark path his friend now frenemy has.twisted goals and seems to rule over all. Jonesonten has stopped many times a threat sent by him and with him directly involved.

Joeharnec Broscarvec

Joeharnec Broscarvec is the head of the council of the president Minister and top healer, negotiator, and one of the founding sorcerers and the president Minister Alirus Colve is another founding sorcerers and they built a great wizarding society called The Sorcerer Lord's. Joeharnec Broscarvec runs strategy and defense. He has the best record of the council and has lead a good term. Hualovec Zardenii is the The third founding father of the Sorcerer Lord society and the one who grants new bonding cycles.  Everyone from both the Harry Potter and the elder scrolls universes that was a sorcerer or a sorceress that has died is reborn as a sorcerer Lord and their partner a sorceress lady that they use for the bond process.