
Jonesonten Somezivec

Jonesonten Somezivec is the son of Sypmic Somezivec and Adamsonric Somezivec after they saved the universe and mostly the planet Earnirn (a home of mixed races and different ones) on a a near daily basis from evil doers and pillages and anything else with ill intentions. Now Jonesonten Somezivec has the look of both his parents Sypmic ( Arthur and Molly Weasley) and Adamsonric (James and Lily Potter). He became a Sorcerer Lord and does what his parents use to do protecting Earnirn and keeping the peace and doing what is right. He had a friend who went to a dark path his friend now frenemy has.twisted goals and seems to rule over all. Jonesonten has stopped many times a threat sent by him and with him directly involved.

Joeharnec Broscarvec

Joeharnec Broscarvec is the head of the council of the president Minister and top healer, negotiator, and one of the founding sorcerers and the president Minister Alirus Colve is another founding sorcerers and they built a great wizarding society called The Sorcerer Lord's. Joeharnec Broscarvec runs strategy and defense. He has the best record of the council and has lead a good term. Hualovec Zardenii is the The third founding father of the Sorcerer Lord society and the one who grants new bonding cycles.  Everyone from both the Harry Potter and the elder scrolls universes that was a sorcerer or a sorceress that has died is reborn as a sorcerer Lord and their partner a sorceress lady that they use for the bond process.